Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Starting Fresh

Sitting next to the freshly rained on, but newly dried kitchen window my eye catches this crazy intense green color of the leaves on the trees outside. I call it "turbo green". It's a green that jumps out at you and if you look at it too long, it will have you writing a sonnet, asking someone out or starting up a business. It's life giving.

I started thinking about what it is that makes this green so "turbo" and then realized the obvious - it's covered in water. The water reflects the light from the sun and brings the green along for the ride. The sun alone would light up the color of the leaves, but the water reflects the sun's light, bends it a bit and so magnifies the green color. The water makes the green turbo. The color I end up seeing is luminescent, vibrant and full of energy.

Of course, like any overly introspective, semi-hipster young adult I thought about about how this plays out in my life. If I'm the green leaf, what would make me brighter? What's my water?

Today's findings outside of my window aren't the daily norm. To be quite honest, for the past few months I've had little inspiration for anything life giving or interesting. Please don't get me wrong - I have a great relationship with my husband, keep in touch with friends and family, my house is neat and orderly and I'm lovin life, but today I've noticed something missing from the picture. I've been a nice green, but I just realized the possibility of being so much brighter.

Knowing I'm not satisfied with my lackluster green, I could think of nothing but finding water to make me bright again. I used to feel it, the passion that pulls you out of bed each morning to discover what's next, to build on what you have and to see the garden of your life grow and mature. Lately, I've been buying all of my metaphorical produce from the metaphorical grocery store instead of my metaphorical garden and it feel so realistically wrong... and pretty dull.

I decided I believed glowing people existed out there somewhere and I was going to find them... so I perused blog sites in search of these mythical creatures. (Bloggers just seem to always be inspired about something) My search was a success. I found people who really knew who they were, what they wanted, where they're going and what's driving them. They're turbo green and brightly hurting my eyes. Their passions, what gives their person-hood their color, have been magnified. These folks found water!

It was all momentarily motivating and enough to make me want to search for my own fountain of inspiration. Oh to find a place in life that didn't have just a splash of this water, but an effervescent and constant spring.

The search is on.