Thursday, April 10, 2008

I really like brownies

I came to an epiphany (sp...?) tonight. I really like brownies. Not only do I really like brownies, but I adore them with ice cream, strawberries and hot fudge the best. I'm also a fan of pineapples, Thai food, sushi, mashed potatoes and gravy, home made Italian pasta dishes, strawberry beer, red wine, dancing when you're not supposed to, interesting umbrellas, driving, high heels, tattoos on boys, playing piano, singing, writing music, good guitar riffs... really any good guitar sound, loud drumming, bluesrockfusion, soulful women vocalists, my black H&M trench coat, my rocketship (car), my roomies, my family, my friends, planning trips, traveling, 40 Oakwood Ave, a clean apartment, seeing people's eyes light up when the make a connection with God, knowing my eyes light up when I make a connection with Him, deep red roses, morning glories, Romans 12:2, Isaiah 55:11, Psalm 42:11, changing mindsets, sleeping in, sunshine, the sound of waves, watching water move, fishies in fish tanks, Audrey Hepburn (my cat), feeling love for people, feeling loved, intensely good conversation, Toronto, Central (my church), roaming about big cities, a cherry-wood Steinway grand piano I used to visit in Camp Hill, independently owned coffee shops, good chai tea, good coffee with lots of milk and a little sugar, honey for my tea, minty gum, peppermint candy canes, cherry bomb lip gloss from VS, Mary Kay face lotion, my ruby ring, my Italian earrings (that I lost and would love to own again), Grandpa Edgidio, sleeping when I'm tired, puffy pillows, thick comforters, free parking, days off of work.... Jesus.

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