Saturday, September 5, 2009

...that's how I found my way to God.

"Somebody said can you find your way to God? I said I found Him in the beat-dop-a-do-bop. That's how I found my way to God" - Missy Higgins

I've found the more I do the things that make me the happiest I see a direct and correlating rise in my feeling secure in my connection and relationship with God. I could blame this on my inviting Him into these areas of my life and thus, after spending time with Him during these activities we've become closer by default, but I'm not sure that's all it is. I have a feeling that when I'm doing things that make my soul dance, spirit sing, and body energized - 9 times out of 10 I'm doing something that I believe God put a love for inside of me.... and it was for a reason.

We're all pieces to the puzzle and designed very carefully with corners, bumps and edges that fit in perfectly somewhere. Problems arise when we hide our bumps, or disregard our corners in order to fit where we feel we should fit. That never works.

I'm learning (at age 29... finally) to accept my corners, bumps and edges. To own a sense of comfort and peace with these aspects that so distinguishably define my makeup is to accept who it is God made me to be. When I can roll with that I am able to succeed at life - freely and without the pressure of trying to make myself fit someplace I'm really not meant to fit. When I know where I fit and how I fit - putting it all together is exhilarating, fun and satisfying. I'm pretty sure He gets happy when this happens.

I'm not sure why exactly at this point it makes me feel closer to Him - it just does. Someday I'll get it and do some blog-action on it. For now, I'm enjoying being content with my corners =)

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